Sunday, March 31, 2013

get yer kicks in the 206

I'll dwell on the negatives later. be assured of that.
for now, in no particular order, that which I will miss about seattle:
-my job.
-bare pavement in winter.
-the ferries, even if I rarely ride them. I like knowing they're there.
-proximity to actual ocean.
-slothing about at, +/- using the toilets at, elliott bay book co.
-legal stuff that's not legal everywhere, yet.
-nice Augusts.
-my lair. lairs. I've had the fortune to live in some pretty cool places here.
-sometimes the Earnest Liberal Crap (hereafter known as ELC) here, and the relentless sociological hand-wringing, is rather endearing. Seattle is an ecosystem of People Trying Harder, Yet Poorly. and hey, I'm part of the problem, so fuck it.
-proximity to Canada, for those politeness/ketchup Pringles/km signs needs. god, I love Canada.
-excellent restaurants and bars.
-excellent live music.
-Volunteer Park.
-fucking frites. holy shit.
-Century Ballroom.
-walking to work.
-all the goddamn snarkiness.
-deep-fried pickles.
-the bus system.
-Trader Joes across the street from my lair.
-reading books whilst sprawled on the grass at the UW campus.
-blossoming cherry trees.
-free samples of Market Spice tea at Pike Place.
-sticker graffiti.
-the smells. Washington just smells good. usually.
-relative buglessness.
-warm-weather cheerfulness. it's like a mass lobotomy. people are so fucking delightful when the clime abides.
-scrupulous gardens.
-Real Change.
-water towers.
-free samples at Theo Chocolate.
-my past.
-happy hour.
-every space has a personal story.

I made this fucking town mine. I feel like Seattle and I grew up together. for that alone, I will always love the shit out of this place. and because of that, it breaks my heart to leave.

-Fremont, today.
-shut off.
-skyline, last Thursday. I have no capable zoom on this here phone. the reality was more comely, I assure you.
-this morning. bright eyed and bushy-fucking-tailed.
-the awesome Victorian mansion they decimated last week, aka one of the reasons I'm leaving. Seattle is evolving in an ugly, dehumanizing way. but that's a topic for another post... and HOW!

thanks for reading.

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