Thursday, July 12, 2012


I just saw a RAT, not a squirrel, darting along the telephone wires above my alley. I love rats. they are nonchalant about their intelligence- an attractive trait in any species, really.
and I like being reminded that I live in a temperate urban environment; ten years after Alaska, still it's a dopey novelty...

-the city of seattle, 72 floors up.
-the only remaining evidence of jethro. he went to a new home today. I was as unaffected by his leaving as I've ever been with my coterie of beasts- I bawled when my iguana died, for christ's sake. he went to a good home, to people who were cute and smiling and handling him unflinchingly, and I thanked them so very much as I held the door open for them. they took him and the terrarium home on the bus.
four years. we lived in each other's worlds for four years. I feel like I should be sadder.
but he'll never bite me again, and my lair will never again reek of his vile cloacal musk, and I'll never again have to casually greet him with "hey, stupid."
I burned a lot of incense to mask his scent. now my lair smells only of hippie sandalwood, and I am glad of it.
-tombs, tonight.
-entropy and sugarloaf.
-the tangle of sense that a city grows into.
-downtown, today. I was about to take a picture of this and noticed a guy dozing in the driver's seat, window down. "can I take a picture of the thing in your grill?" I asked inanely. it would have been awesome if he'd been puzzled, oblivious to anything being there- but he just shrugged behind sunglasses. i then took this picture, but I felt kinda idiotic... I liken it to someone wearing a clown suit and getting pissed off when you ask why they're wearing a clown suit.

"only shlimazls believe in mazel." Leo Rosten

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