Friday, August 31, 2012

allez, allez

more chronologically-cattywampus ballyhoo, 29-31 August 2012.

-highway 101, coloring unaltered.
-rocks on me.
-seattle under the bluish moon.
-the dead SEAL. SEAL. thank you.
-bacon crack at cupcake royale! "what a wonderful idea!" I babbled blearily. the guy behind the counter smiled politely.
-herons at Rialto Beach. the ocean? SEXY.
-da butt, Fremont Antique Mall.
-sunrise over seattle.
-I mean, fucking jesus. this town's too damn pretty for its own good.
-the northwesternmost Lower 48 corner of the Pacific Ocean, baby. I stood in it up to my knees, and then it decided it wanted to splash higher.
-da wood.

not every day can be utterly fluid and filled with giddy novelty. nevertheless, the aftermath kinda sucks. yesterday was magical, today is merely okay. joy often results in the most painful of hangovers.

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