Thursday, August 9, 2012

what goes on

my life continues on its discombobulating caprice-jaunt... what the fuck? I went from no stimulus to almost too much. I love it. I'm greedy for it. I need to make up for lost time.

-Capitol Hill.
-a poster surrounded by a white wall.
-hecatumor, the troglodyte cat.
-I don't remember taking this photograph.
-fondue! it was awesome!
-from the roof deck.
-a marshmallow that was toasted for me, aka "life is good."
-turning 180 degrees.
-somewhere on the hill.

"in Zen Buddhism a master was once asked what was the most valuable thing in the world, and the master answered that a dead cat was, because no one could put a price on it." J D Salinger

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