-I was looking up "prices of 32GB thumb drives" at the Ballard library, I swear! oh, Google.... you reflect our classless, hilarious reality.
-this was the sun on last night's exhausted horizon. and, like a proper sun, it was fortifying, warming, and slightly silly.
-Entropy in ecstasy.
-Playing with reflections last night. woo-hoo! how was YOUR weekend?
-scattered petals at Pike Place Market this afternoon. Seattle, you sexy bitch.
-my lair from the alley. I'm the unit with the lights. apparently I am also seamlessly stalkable, if anyone is so inclined.
-reflections part deux. fuck it!
-mid-rearrangement of the lair. crap tetris. craptris! that's what I'm going to name my moving company. I can already picture the business cards.
-the weird appliance store down the street. I've taken pictures of this before because it's so eerie and outdated. the suspended fluorescent lights! the clunky ovens in various generational hues! the ceilings are probably stained and acoustic-tiled! it's always closed when I stagger by. I like knowing it's there. seriously, just for the lights alone... it's a time capsule by default.
-a new bar is opening tonight, I guess- these spotlights are outside its doors. this is in a location that seems destined for failure; every 6-12 months a new and cringingly Hip place moves in, tries too hard, and vanishes. every town has those places, don't they? hell, until the Moose's Tooth moved in, even that spot in Anchorage had been at least six other shitty restaurants that I can recall.
spotlights don't bode well... they shriek of douchoisie. hopefully I am mistaken and just being a judgmental bitch.
-Draw Something. FUCK. it has stolen my focus for the past 48 hours. this is my drawing of a liger. nerd. step away from the fucking iPhone, asshole.
(by the way, I FUCKING HATE that movie, so much so that I couldn't finish watching it the one time I reluctantly tried. but somehow I know what a liger is, so... yay.)
tonight I made successful sugared cranberries. the first batch exploded and became sauce because I didn't follow the directions and left them on the burner. THESE ones are much better! cook 1c water and 1c sugar over med heat til dissolved. add cranberries. take off heat and let fester for about an hour. drain. toss with sugar. fucking delicious. why did I
not know about this until now?
"a certain amount of anxiety is good for a boy or a girl, in the same way that a certain amount of fleas is good for a dog- keeps him from thinking about being a dog."
-Dr Walter Freeman, midcentury proponent of human lobotomies
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