Thursday, November 8, 2012

moving objects

Tuesday night, election night, was the first time I slept uninterrupted in months, perhaps years. last night resumed the fucked normal; I was awake from 2-630am, unable both physically and mentally to do anything productive. I did dishes, I watched too many cooking show YouTube things on my 3" screen, I lurked in my dark apartment like a fucking troll and watched my oblivious neighbor pace in front of his well-lit window like Norman Bates. eventually the sky started to lighten. I didn't realize I'd finally fallen asleep until I woke up two hours later.
this can't be good. it's EVERY NIGHT. every night of every day.

I sent away for my ordained ministry today! does that make me a ministrix? everyone should have the right to experience a horrible divorce.

24hrs of insomnia = mundane photography.
-she humors me.
-pry tone. typer: on. trè pony!
-Howell St. this may be my first attempt at the HolgaArt filter. normally I skip right over it.
-the northwest wing of the domicile houses the food preparation and butler facilities.

"but she might run into somebody there and she didn't want to have to act normal or explain why she wasn't. there was nobody in the world she could explain it to, because there was no real reason for any of it."
-Jean Thompson

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