Sunday, November 25, 2012

...the word "argonaut"... hee hee.

-Roosevelt, again.
-the Tubs place on 50th. I love the spray caps. a guy was adding more art to another part of the building while I was walking past. I love that this hasn't been demolished yet. it's been what, two years? fuck yes.
-bus stop, 65th & Roosevelt.
-yes, I walked along fucking Roosevelt today. lord! it had been a while. so many abandoned businesses and photogenic detritus! it was lovely. the sun was at my back.
-photographing blind. I can't see fuck-all here.
-it is impossible to say the word "lurk" without sounding like someone who does creepy things like... lurk. you already said it aloud, ha!, but try it again, right now, slightly lower in pitch... you're so weird.
...I blame the schwa. schwas add an air of guttural trolliness to the most otherwise elegant of words. a schwa is the dipthong of the damned.
-NE 45th.

I sampled vanilla salt today. holy shit! if you haven't yet indulged in a similar activity, do so immediately! and if you're in the seattle, may I direct you to the phalanx of delicious salt-samples at Sugar Pill, Broadway & Pine? try their habanero salt also.

"'have you ever heard of Roshomon?'
'yes. it means through our own eyes, we see what we see.'
'well, it's all Roshomon. it's all Roshomon.'"
-camryn manheim's autobiography, believe it or not. it was up for grabs in the laundry room of my building.

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