"god only knows" came up on shuffle as I was walking home from the bus stop tonight. there are still huge piles of leaves along the street. I sang along and kicked through. it would be a proper shame to not do either.
-63 corvair, Ballard. this one's for you, m'lady.
-NW 49th... the Mars Hill Church street.
-a car on Broadway. crappy photo, but it made me laugh. I like poking dead things too! also, the color orange and the smell of grilled onions.
-through the window of the defunct liquor store on Broadway. it's cropped all to hell, obviously. I loved the slanty sunshine through the horrid vertical blinds... this is not meant to be a refined image.
-the generic autumnal loveliness shot, Republican or Mercer or something.
-and this one is for YOU, good sir.
-line D. he got off in Interbay.
-carnivorous plants with sensual borders!
-every time I see this sign it makes me happy. that is all.
-too twee and cliched to pass up. this actually made me rather angry. I wanted to engage in hostile nihilistic behavior for no specific reason.
-the sociological succor of 3rd and Pike.
-it's a Parkay toilet!
-cool drainpipe.
-do make say radiators.
-self-portrait with cat tail.
-anvil cloud, last night. it was the only cloud in the entire sky.
I also heard James Brown's "The Payback" at two separate, unrelated locations today.
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