Saturday, October 13, 2012

12 oct 12

yesterday's adventure! all the photos are out of chronological order, as usual:

-a luridly-hued worm!
-my hood, yesterday morning. I actually color-ENHANCED this.
-a burlesque mummy, Olympia.
-hateful lonely fucking condos, Tacoma, near Ruston, on basically the exact site as the vile, dismantled-yet-still-redolent (how?) pulp mill. wasn't there a huge hullabaloo about arsenic and lead and shit, leaching into the soil around here? ecological horrors aside, it's ugly as hell, totally fucks with a huge and otherwise very lovely vantage point, is surrounded by exactly NOTHING (no shops, schools, neighbors, stores), and will probably be too expensive for most folks anyway. 10 years from now: same ugly building, but with a few three-eyed genetically poisoned unschooled children languidly digging in the toxic dirt with silver spoons.
I hate ignorant urban planning.
-my parents' cat, eating the other cat's mostly-unchewed projectile vomit.
-a wee sluglet!
-yesterday's Seattle Times. this has been one of the driest, loveliest summers on record. it's over now.
-bobbers. is that the technical term?
-somewhere north of Steilacoom.
-under the Narrows. curse the fucking window edge. otherwise this would have been a really good picture.
-moving on.
-potatoes en regalia!
-random slice o' life, Auburnish.

barbed wire was invented in 1874. I learned that today.

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