Tuesday, October 16, 2012

more tedious shit about cats

not too long ago, I was privy to another person's vehement opinion about people who only post about "their boring fucking _____" on Facebook. the person they were lambasting was (and is) particularly fond of their dogs. and once the lambaster, person #1, pointed it out, I have been keenly aware of how much I ALSO babble about the same few stupid things in my life, two of which are my cats. and WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT CATS? I don't even give a shit about cats! anecdotes, whatever their subject matter: fantastic and always appreciated. but just dithering about a fucking animal, with no witty denouement? what am I, a cliche?

for everyone that reads this stuff: thank you, and I'm cringing as I write.

-Capitol Hill.
-the ladies. this is as close to each other as they ever get.
-troglodyte love.
-tombs, nutrifying. apparently she's not ready to die just yet.
-turn to the left!
-you tell him... he's a damn fool. I'll be waiting, Ed. I'll be waiting.
-from pine & boren.
-headless Entropy. another good band name.

life, you wily strumpet...

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